When faced with choices that cause inner conflict, be willing to sit with and explore your true feelings honestly, moving your energy through creative or expressive outlets, so you can release illusions, stay aligned with your authentic self, and live with an open heart.
Tag: life
Allow yourself to feel a bit of hunger, rather than constantly eating. Savor that first bite. Allow yourself to crave a little, instead of pouring…
Just because something or someone is not currently available to you does not invalidate your desires or feelings. It’s an opportunity for honest reflection and profound realization. Be grateful. Instead of berating, rejecting, abandoning, or denying what is fundamentally and powerfully good, honor yourself and what you value.
What if there are no wrong turns, no wasted time, no missed chances? What if every step, every pause, every spark of curiosity is part of the design? Life doesn’t demand perfection — it asks only for presence, for a willingness to step into the vast, uncharted space where stillness meets transformation.
“Legacy” is a track from The Reluctant Pilgrim, Part I