A project nearly fifteen years in the making, Fleshwound is the natural follow-up to 2003’s Wander album, in Trance Blackman’s musical journey and personal story.
Tag: music
If I stop thinking About the one I love If I forget About today’s worries Yesterday’s hurts and Tomorrow’s projections If I remember My true…
Every guitar has a song. Some have a thousand. Whether the action is too high, The intonation out, The strings old and corroded, If it…
Music has always been a thread woven through the fabric of my life, pulling me back to moments both vivid and forgotten. The memories it stirs are as random as they are profound, often triggered by the simplest things.
Our voice is a unique and powerful expression of our being, shaping and reflecting our thoughts, emotions, and actions, and it is our responsibility to use it authentically, for it connects our past, present, and future, and influences the world around us.