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Tag: personal development

Safe Places

We all want to feel safe, and there are many places in our lives that can provide that feeling. Feeling safe affects our well-being on all levels, from the primal to the emotional to the intellectual. Many of us rarely have the opportunity to let down our protective barriers or relax our emotional suppression; to wear our vulnerability on our sleeves. How often do we truly offer, without reservation, to be and hold that sacred safe space for others?

Ingroup of One

I believe it is vital to try to understand opposing points of view on anything related to being of service to humanity, as well as to be flexible in terms of the ideals of certainty, knowing, meaning, and wisdom.

I Trust You

I was dreaming of being in a place that seemed to find the few of us survivors in a constant state of worry about our lives. It seemed rather dystopian.

Drilling to the Core

There are probably as many ways to achieve success and happiness in life as there are philosophies, ideologies, values, and belief systems. This is the beauty and complexity of the human experience: you can be who and what you want to be, or at least try and then choose something completely different. Even in the darkest places and during the most chaotic times, we are adaptable and capable of transcendence.

How Much is Enough?

There have been times in my life when days were extremely long and I was completely exhausted from work. That was something I enjoyed for a while. But my life inevitably returns to this default structure, covering the essentials, and I believe that right now that is enough.