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Tag: philosophy

Wayshower: In the Footsteps of Time

We are all travelers here, walking paths both worn and wild, sculpted by the choices we’ve made. The world, in all its beauty and chaos, is a mirror — reflecting back the shadows and light we’ve yet to fully understand. Each step forward is both a revelation and a riddle, a call to remember something ancient and untold within us, a dance between what is and what could be. To journey is to become the question and the answer, to step into the unknown and claim it as our own.

An Artist’s Way

An artist must choose to shun acceptable behavior, political correctness, and the comforts of the commonplace to truly exist in the spacetime of their genius. Playing it safe is like painting by numbers, stealing a riff, using pitch correction, obeying the clock, failing, failing again, and then giving up; it’s pandering to the normals and ignoring what the world desperately needs from us.


Share your experiences — the triumphs and the trials, the struggles and the breakthroughs. Those who walk ahead, beside, and behind you on this journey…