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Tag: propaganda

Dismantling the Shadows: Learning the Truth

The realm in which we live offers us an enormous amount of programming and conditioning that can impede and stifle our progress in life. At every turn, you may encounter new and more deceptive traps that will lead you away from your source of innate knowledge and wisdom. However, the path of truth is always present, as one cannot exist without the other. Do you accept their offer, or do you rise above?

Climate Change: The Ultimate Creative Outlet

As you may be aware, I am not a supporter of climate change alarmism, nor do I believe there is a climate emergency. In my mind, it is one grand hoax. These are not the end times for our world; we’re not anywhere near the “11th hour,” the ice isn’t melting, the oceans aren’t rising or boiling, polar bears aren’t dying off, the coral reef isn’t disappearing, and, no, not everything is going up in smoke (and as a reminder, climate arson is not wildfire). That said, I care deeply about this wonderful and remarkable place we currently inhabit, and I care deeply about my fellow humans, and I absolutely agree that we can do far better regarding our stewardship of this realm and the ways and means we go about its resource management.

Race Wars: Fake and Well Funded

Generation after generation keeps falling into the same cycle. None of it exists in nature, but you can bet that your nature gets weaponized against you. It doesn’t matter where in the realm you hail from, because they play this game in all cultures, societies, religions, financial, and political organizations. Wherever they can drive a wedge, there will be a scheme to play you against your fellow humans.

We Should

So, what is truly broken about our perceptual and experiential lens? What element is missing from our formulaic ideas and reality perceptions? What factor in the Life equation propels us so easily and effectively toward misguided and maligned expectations, intentions, and imaginations?

Mamas and the Trans Trance

In my opinion, and I understand that this is a contentious issue in this day and age, the most important thing for women to be in life is mothers. Not all women, of course. Why? Simply put, it is critical to the health, survival, and proliferation of the human species — unless you believe in the lies of climate alarmism or population control, the “threat” of A.I. or transhumanism, malignant transgenderism, or a variety of other pseudoscientific nonsense.