Our craft, our story — as the expression of our uniqueness and what we inherently strive for as our fully actualized self — can take a lifetime to realize.
Tag: social constructs
Great Things
There’s such an immense pressure we put upon ourselves in our culture to “do great things” with our lives. I think we almost always miss the point entirely. It’s an contrast between materialism and what really matters.
Each and every relation-ship serves us consciously, and unconsciously.
The Self We Sacrifice: On Conformity
External pressures often influence our choices, making it easy to lose sight of who we truly are. A lack of self-awareness leads to conformity, while embracing our authentic selves is essential for living a meaningful and fulfilling life.
Through the Veil of Artifice
We live in a world saturated with distractions and manipulated narratives that encourage us to fear and suppress our true selves. From consumerism and violence to societal expectations and psychological manipulation, we’ve been conditioned to conform and disconnect from our authentic power. To reclaim our purpose and inner truth, we must break free from these artifices, confront our fears, and reconnect with the divine essence within us.