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Tag: spirituality

The Inevitable Rise

When you endeavor to grasp the greater aspects of how this universe works, you really can’t help but venture down a few rabbit holes — and really, that’s an essential step in learning discernment and embarking on an open road to wonder and discovery.

Minimalism, Maybe

Is it better to cut costs, to live simply, and minimally — so to relieve the stress of needing to work harder, or to earn more money? Or, is it better to shift the focus to finding higher paying work, or starting, developing and/or growing your business — and thus, ideally, having earnings such that your lifestyle isn’t curbed or affected by money anymore?

Reorder Fulfilment

If we choose to rely on the outward, external influences to fulfil us, to fill that hole in our heart, mind, or spirit, we keep ourselves limited (and thus dependent) upon that which we cannot control — save our biased perception of it, but that’s another topic. However, when we step into the realization and embody the knowing that we are ultimately the source of both the creative impulse, and concurrently our fulfilment of said impulse (regardless of what the world shows us) we move in the direction of complete acceptance; we engender the true nature of surrender.


We’re at a stage in our human journey where spirituality (consciousness) and technology are evolving and emerging at comparable, concurrent rates — and it seems as if it’s somewhat of a competition, depending on how you look at it.

You (Still) Want More

Most of the world is at peace.

Most humans care about the wellbeing of other humans, and the planet.

Most of the planet is uninhabited.

There is more money than ever.

There is more awareness, mindfulness, collective consciousness, and elevated spiritual energy than ever.