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Tag: spirituality

Beyond Childhood

Life will always be pushing you to hone, refine, resolve, overcome—to be the whole you. It could be your woman, your man, your friend, your so-called enemy, it doesn’t matter. Who or what it is is relevant to you, in the present, at this junction, because it’s only ever now that offers us the chance to grow, to change, to align with our truer nature, or to continue dying.

A Case for A.I. – Beyond “Smart” Inanity

In this age of big data, it seems evident that the only way to get truthful, impartial information—synthesized, analyzed, and collated from all across the world, inclusive of all gathered information since we started doing so, regardless of language, agenda, dogma, bias, borders, politics, or budget—will be through employing the natural evolution of said data: A.I.

The Gentle Winds

As we transition toward a grander, multidimensional perspective, seeing how time and tense isn’t as linear as we’d previously believed, all aspects of our human psychology will evolve and require a bio, neuro, somatic, and psychosomatic, sympathetic, and parasympathetic reorientation.