We don’t need commercial airlines. We don’t need a federal government. We don’t need fiat currencies, and we don’t need borders. We’ve been handed down rampant and widespread systemic dysfunction. We can make something new, can’t we? What kind of world are you actually envisioning to live in and contribute to?
Tag: truth
2020 will for some years be looked at as a milestone, a turning point, or the beginning of another new age. As we drift forward in months and years, our perception will clarify as the truth of recent events are revealed, for those willing to see it. Practiced, controlled and distorted narratives will be challenged, and the greater reasons for everything this epochal moment means to us individually and as a collective will emerge.
When the tide is way out, and the sun is on its way down… the vast sandy beach manifests a dramatic, diffracted canvas.
It’s a time of great change — but isn’t it always?