Conditions on love. The world is always in a state of chaos. The parasite class and their psychopathic minions continue to do their worst, knowing their version of the world is swiftly and absolutely coming to an end. They’ve ramped up their trusted, centuries-old, insanity-generation mind control machine to its highest level, and still their silly impish efforts fail to take hold. Certainly, there are many who fall into the traps. Lives are lost, avatars are snuffed out. Some still take the bait, biting down madly out of habit and practiced bewilderment.
Tag: unconditional love
As we continue to shed old and outdated ideas in all areas of life, this one tends to be a complicated one. There’s a certain self-righteousness that is inevitably attached to the notion of unconditional love. But, perhaps we can unpack it a little, so to benefit ourselves, and anyone who will come across our path in this life.