If you want to reduce or eliminate your suffering and pain due to health issues, the first step must be reframing your perspective and broadening your understanding of how your body works. You may, in fact, need to throw it all away and start from the beginning, because the confusion, corruption, degradation, and general malefic nature of traditional, popular, and accepted information in this field is fraught with all manner of deception, disinformation, propaganda, inversion, and the perversion of what is real and true.
Tag: wellbeing
If you can really grasp the depth of the power of ideas, thoughts, learning, mind control, and conditioning, you will see how there is absolutely no need for any “virus” to exist for there to be a “pandemic”. No “contagion” is needed at all for many millions of people to become ill, or even to die.
If you can in any way, honestly and in good conscience, defend, abide, consent to or comply with any of the mandates, restrictions, neverending emergency measures and other historically-recycled ideas, reintroduced in 2020 by and through the Covid-19 and other agendas, you’ve been compromised.
You are going to die. Fearing it doesn’t matter. Being OK with and accepting it doesn’t matter either. How will you live? How will you be of service? How will you fulfil that which calls to you in this lifetime?
Our modern world affords us a multitude of tools, methods and modalities with which pursue our aims, goals and ends — in virtually all aspects of life. The means, however, are far more complicated, distracting and misleading than we’d like to believe.