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Category: Journal Entries

thoughts, ponderings, experiences and lessons learned. or, something deep and life-changing.

Eleven Percent

Significant societal change requires a critical mass of people to believe in or engage with new ideas. This influence is often shaped by mass media, social media, and cultural narratives that manipulate public perception through fear, distraction, and curated content. It is therefore essential for individuals to become aware of and reclaim the narrative that shapes their reality and collective future.


Energetic stagnation leads to mental and physical blockages, manifesting as pain, frustration, and disengagement. By trusting our inner calling, staying curious, and embracing the unknown, we can break free and create new, fulfilling momentum in life. We are conscious co-creators of our reality — always.


Your role is not to invalidate or question the path on the map of their journey. Your role is to understand your own perspective and what your perception of their choices stirs within you.

Mass Consensus Disorders

A mass consensus disorder refers to deeply ingrained societal beliefs and frameworks — such as the importance of money, work, and conflict — that are manipulated to maintain power and control, often leading individuals to live in fear and denial of their true potential; breaking free from these illusions requires reclaiming sovereignty and embracing authenticity, despite the discomfort that change may bring.

Your Music

Don’t hide. Don’t pretend to be mediocre to fit in or to appease the terrified. They need your courage (to fail or succeed) to reconnect with or reawaken to their truth.