Play more. Laughter, singing, dancing and imaginative abandon is restorative, healing and dispels negativity, emotional pressure and unconscious stagnation.
Category: Journal Entries
thoughts, ponderings, experiences and lessons learned. or, something deep and life-changing.
We’re in the midst of widespread and multi-faceted impositions; an assault on our senses and sensemaking, accelerating nefarious agendas, collapsing regimes and realities, and the systemic exposure of the ugliness among us that’s been hiding in plain sight forever.
I’d wager the title of this article is enough to trigger most of us. If so, it demonstrates just how bad things have become in this regard. We need to grow up.
As we face the inevitable onslaught of external influences, and their triggering of our self-analysis, self-actualization and grander re-integration, mental spirals and thought loops may hinder or entirely halt our progress.