Delete every social media app. Do it now. Nothing I’ve written herein will change your mind, because you must make the decision to take responsibility for your mental and emotional well-being. Social media, on the other hand, consistently provides the polar opposite. Reason it out. Uninstall Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, TikTok, Snapchat, Telegram, YouTube, and all the other apps from your “smart” phone, remove the ridiculous “smart” watch, and wait a week to see what happens.
Don’t worry, you won’t miss a damn thing.
Despite this, you would still be able to communicate via phone, text, and email. But are you actually connected or communicating with anyone? Do you know how to put pen to paper? Is that uncool and old-school? We’ve all been subjected to generations of societal dumbing down, and the more you rely on technology to think, write, edit, express, and publish for you, the less human, intuitive, and intelligent you are.
There is a reason we have books that are centuries old, despite the fact that tyrants and governing parasites have deliberately burned down or destroyed ancient libraries. Imagine. What is certain is that we will never have tablets, laptops, hard drives, or thumb drives that will last more than a decade or two — and, worse, many of the devices we are currently addicted to will be completely reliant on someone else’s data servers for anything useful in terms of literature, education, original records, or information. What if your social credit score denies you access?
Sadly, decades have already passed since the modern book burning movement began. We are also at the mercy of mind-controlled thought police, who alter, rewrite, and redact the original writings of well-known, frequently contentious authors to better fit the current paradigm of acceptable modern sociopolitics and narrow-minded, ideological, self-righteous ignorance.
Want only the truth, especially if you believe that the “news” provides real, factual information rather than the endless repetition of minor, or even entirely staged events, giving the impression that evil, darkness, death, and tragedy are happening all the time, everywhere. And especially if you are a “truther” or “conspiracy investigator.” We’ve been captured and entrapped, just like everyone else.

Around 2010, the major social platforms that we now believe have always existed exploded into the mainstream. Since then, they’ve been gently but systematically misinforming, misguiding, and dismantling the zeitgeist, as well as the collective’s psychology, agency, and sensemaking. Sure, the primary reason for social media’s existence is data mining and profiting from the images, videos, memes, posts, and everything else we freely share, but it’s much more than that. More and more of what we consider to be the internet is being collapsed into the real-time influences of artificial intelligence, and this is where your data is most useful.
Because we default to our habits, patterns, and programming, everything you say, do, and feel is predictable, down to the day you will most likely “die.” If you believe you have control over your feed by blocking certain users and allowing others, using specific apps, or purchasing a “privacy-focused” device, don’t be fooled. You had almost nothing to do with the decision.
Twitter, Facebook, and the rest exploded, quietly inserting themselves into our lives en masse, hiding behind the wildly distorted veil of “open and free discourse and communication,” despite never being anything of the sort. For example, in 2020, when the plandemic fraud escalated global craziness to levels not seen since 9/11, these media behemoths were employed, as expected, to aggressively push billions of hearts and minds into their screens, and their artificially produced perceptions, their bubble realities, both large and small. Censorship, which had already been at a fever pitch in the years leading up to this massive medical and financial fraud, reached all-time highs, and “fact checkers,” those amoral, unethical, spineless corporate shills, had their moment in the sun.
They, like presidents, prime ministers, health ministers, celebrities, OBEs, MBEs, GGs, and everyone else, were doing their god’s work by demonizing truth, reason, and logic while promoting fallacy, scientism, tyranny, and mass murder.
People ate it up, as they have done so many times throughout history, albeit in a concentrated manner over the last century. The manufactured hysteria engulfed our minds, fueled our emotions, and terrified our hearts. Suicide, alcohol, and drug abuse rates skyrocketed. Medical professionals completely lost their minds. Once again, the public, through misguided virtue, rewarded the widespread embrace of ignorance while ostracizing those who dared to question the motives, machinations, or established narratives.
Sit down, you critical thinker. Trust the science.

Because we had been socialized for more than a decade to find comfort and a “safe and effective” emotional outlet for our fears, angst, and frustrations behind filtered faces, avatars, and account names, we sheltered ourselves in our homes and closed ourselves off from society and real life. This led to a dangerous dopamine and oxytocin dependence on the fake reality and fake narrative that centralized, socialized, curated, and controlled media streams imposed upon us.
The truth isn’t inside a box, on a screen, or in a meme.
Try unplugging for a while. Remember who you are, regardless of artifice, gadget, or technological connectivity. Make a habit of turning off your home’s wireless modem, as well as your phones, tablets, and laptops. Pick up some real books. Hug some actual human beings. Hold some real hands. Cry real tears. Have some real laughs. Talk to some real people, in real life. Contemplate. Imagine. Create.
Do it today.
Solvitur ambulando