I enjoy remixing and remaking my songs into alternate versions, once an album is released. It’s fun to strip down the song, usually to only vocal tracks, then build a new groove, and see where it goes.
Tag: emotional intelligence
These are certainly fascinating times. We can say it’s a renaissance of unprecedented proportions, but within what frame of reference?
An extraordinary thing about affirmations is their instant, magnetic pulling and triggering of your genuine, sincere belief about a thing. There’s magic in awareness.
I’ve never been a confident man.
I’m sure there’s some elaborate formula that would shed light on the hows and whys: this gene, coupled with that circumstance, those parents, that culture, those schools, those books, that trauma, that success, these friends, those choices, those actions, and that value… multiplied by this belief and that evidence, equals this man?
In the next millennium, those who look back on our time may be curious as to how we persisted — and managed to survive — in such a strange, unbalanced, violent, and stupid state.