If you are living far enough away from “civilization,” you may have no real concern about the seemingly exponential increase in madness permeating the modern world. Perhaps you’re able to exist within it, but not be adversely affected. Perhaps you’re pretending, carrying on with life regardless of what the powers-that-be are scheming and implementing and forcing upon humanity. Perhaps you’re ready to call it a day.
Tag: emotional intelligence
Humanity, it seems, both intrinsically and as a collective, is forever under siege. The ongoing vaccination, sterilization, and dehumanization campaigns are quite evident across the modern world, as we’ve all been conditioned by the bell’s toll, by closed systems thinking, and by the toxic needles.
I’ve tried far too often over the years to avoid pain. All it ever did was double the intensity or duration of the inevitable. Instead…
What’s the rush? Why do we believe there’s ever a need to hurry anything?
I’d wager the title of this article is enough to trigger most of us. If so, it demonstrates just how bad things have become in this regard. We need to grow up.