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Tag: emotional intelligence

Running on Empty

It’s been a banner year for team human. Whatever side of the equation you find yourself on, it’s been a singular challenge, and an ongoing struggle to reconcile endless confusion and contradictions. The time has never been so ripe for massive, positive change, yet it is also a time of intense contrast, saturated with a palpable emptiness.

Source Material

It’s all bullshit. If and when you start digging into anything and everything significant that seemed to occur in these past months — and perhaps years, decades or centuries — nothing about it is genuine. It’s all someone’s hidden influence, someone’s fiction, or someone’s delusion of shaping the world in their image.


Our identity (idem, the same; identidem, repeatedly; we recreate ourselves as we perceive ourselves, until we do otherwise) and our individuality, or individuation (in-divisible expression of duality — quantified as the apparently physical, and the etheric, elemental, energetic, conscious constituents of which it is constructed) may be usefully encapsulated as a “person”.