We’re at a critical time in history when the perspective of a narrow, limited scope can do more harm than good. Though, perhaps it’s always been that way, but today, we have the benefit of massive research and analysis, measurement, science, data and information at our disposal. The problem, is the system or philosophy employed, and the consciousness underpinning the methodologies therein.
Tag: evolution
When you endeavor to grasp the greater aspects of how this universe works, you really can’t help but venture down a few rabbit holes — and really, that’s an essential step in learning discernment and embarking on an open road to wonder and discovery.
We’re right around the corner from having predominantly self-driving cars on the road. It should prove to be an interesting transition, especially for those of us who have spent most of our time in the driver’s seat.
We’re at a stage in our human journey where spirituality (consciousness) and technology are evolving and emerging at comparable, concurrent rates — and it seems as if it’s somewhat of a competition, depending on how you look at it.
Life will always be pushing you to hone, refine, resolve, overcome—to be the whole you. It could be your woman, your man, your friend, your so-called enemy, it doesn’t matter. Who or what it is is relevant to you, in the present, at this junction, because it’s only ever now that offers us the chance to grow, to change, to align with our truer nature, or to continue dying.