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Tag: higher self

Giving and Regiving

Our one and only mission in this world is to use our abilities, skills, and talents to benefit humanity. We are given inspiration, insight, ideas, concepts, and solutions so that we can regive, reproduce, apply, or propagate good with one another. The extent to which we can channel those generative energies into tangible results — by producing, creating, disseminating, and following through — would thus be the standard by which we would measure our success.


It’s generally understood that the mind can’t distinguish between what is imagined to be happening, and what’s actually happening out in the world (i.e., you benefit from either imagining that you’re working out at the gym, or by actually going to the gym). What if everything we’ve ever imagined having done or achieved has already happened?


The more you move into and exist from within the energies of surrender, acceptance, appreciation and gratitude, the less those clingy, sticky, life-sucking energies can stay with you, attach to you, and have any sort of influence over you. You become slippery and unattainable to those harsh, vampiric, negative, spiny urchins of malevolence and you regain your creative resources.

Engaging the Nature of Things

When we think or talk about the source, we think nature, metaphysics, Abraham-Hicks, or the Universe — usually something woo-woo. Whatever you call it, it all comes down to the same thing: the ethereal energy that we use all the time, every day, every second. Aside from method, mode, and ritual, what resonates with us in order to grant ourselves permission to establish rapport with the heart of all things is all that matters.