As we go through the motions of daily life, should we allow ourselves a beat amidst ceaseless mental chaos, we can touch upon a stillpoint…
Tag: life
My father visited me in a dream this morning. We were talking about some old computer and how much work I’d done on it over…
Our minds are programmed and conditioned from our earliest moments of consciousness until our last breath. What is most important in this short life is becoming aware of these control and manipulation mechanisms in order to reappropriate and consciously use our creative energies. We should want to use them for our own benefit rather than letting them fall into the insatiable emptiness of someone else’s design.
There is plenty of money, food, water, oil, energy, raw materials, arable land, clean air, space, and time. Why do we choose to believe all of the stories, fear porn, and narratives that contradict reality? Never before in recorded history has wealth been so abundant, or general prosperity so widespread. There are more billionaires and millionaires worldwide than ever before. So why are there wars? Why is there any hunger? Why is there an increase in suicide, depression, and addiction? How is it possible that there are homeless people anywhere in the world?