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Tag: meaning

A Century of “Progress”

I had a short “chat” with ChatGPT while walking through the woods on a cold, sunny winter day. GPT is fairly agreeable, as you’ll read, but we explored some thought-provoking ideas and philosophical insights that may be of interest to you, the reader, so I thought it worth sharing here in the journal. It required some minor editing for grammar and mistranslations from my voice-to-text efforts. Otherwise, this is the essence of it.

Fitting In

I never understood the urge to belong to something that didn’t matter — to chase trends, fit in, or mold myself into someone else’s idea of acceptable. Even as a kid, it seemed clear: most of what passed for “normal” was just noise, distracting us from who we could actually become.

The Freedom Paradox: In Search of Home

My life has been a journey of seeking freedom while grappling with self-imposed limitations, financial constraints, and a nomadic existence that, while offering unique experiences across various communities, reflects deeper struggles with discipline, alignment, and the challenges of being a creative in a system that often stifles authenticity.