There is plenty of money, food, water, oil, energy, raw materials, arable land, clean air, space, and time. Why do we choose to believe all of the stories, fear porn, and narratives that contradict reality? Never before in recorded history has wealth been so abundant, or general prosperity so widespread. There are more billionaires and millionaires worldwide than ever before. So why are there wars? Why is there any hunger? Why is there an increase in suicide, depression, and addiction? How is it possible that there are homeless people anywhere in the world?
Tag: philosophy
Many of us are in pain for a variety of reasons. However, I would like to suggest that suffering, like many other things in life, is far more than it appears to be. I believe it is a unique human superpower.
We will never run out of water. We will never run out of oil. We will never run out of free energy for all. We will never run out of space for humans and their families to live well, to thrive, and to build resilient, naturally aligned communities. Why do you choose to believe in the lies of scarcity and lack and in the artifices of collectivized, socialized media?
As you may know, I am a recording artist who has been writing, composing, and producing my own original music since I was about 16. Today, I am… older. I have a backlog of unfinished projects, albums, and random ideas. I’ve made notes for some cool music videos. There is ample evidence on several hard drives that ideas and inspirations were never in short supply, but the ridiculous amount of time that began to elapse between releasing products and creations into the world has increased significantly. I’m sure many other creators out there can relate.