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Tag: propaganda


Those of us in the know recognized, in late 2019 and early 2020, that humanity was on the brink of another massive deception. Few, however, anticipated the sheer scale of it — or the fact that it would persist until today, at the end of 2024. The repercussions are still being felt, perhaps more dramatically by those who bought into the lies and disinformation relentlessly drummed into the collective psyche in recent years. There is a lot of hatred in the air, and those in positions of power have done everything to foment and fuel it — through words, actions, and policies designed to divide and inflame.

On Health: Reframing Everything

If you want to reduce or eliminate your suffering and pain due to health issues, the first step must be reframing your perspective and broadening your understanding of how your body works. You may, in fact, need to throw it all away and start from the beginning, because the confusion, corruption, degradation, and general malefic nature of traditional, popular, and accepted information in this field is fraught with all manner of deception, disinformation, propaganda, inversion, and the perversion of what is real and true.

Long Live Freedom

Most are now aware of Argentina’s new “rock star” president, Javier Milei. Recently, I watched his interview on the Lex Fridman podcast and delved deeper into his story, grand aspirations, and the much-needed injection of his heartfelt dissent into the ideologically saturated forums of the United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

There Is No Future Utopia

You have but a limited time here in this one short life. Is it a trap or an opportunity? What do you really want from it? What are your truest aspirations? Are you willing to see through the fog and learn to accept things as they really are, or is it better to remain mixed up and subsumed in the fakery and delusion? 

Uniformity Conformity

It behooves us to become aware of the many compromises we are making in our day-to-day living. It is harmful and spiritually depressing to carry on as if everything is alright, relying on coping and adapting to get us through. The world around you is doing it’s best to push you toward uniformity and conformity, and that’s why you’ll feel unhinged, edgy, frustrated, confused, alone, and directionless. That’s the point, so you will forever choose to defer to their authority, their priorities, and their values rather than sitting quietly a few times a day and discerning your own. It’s tyrannical, if not clever. Just pause more often and have a good look at what you’re being, doing, thinking, accepting, integrating, and acting out.