We dive deep into the darkness and the weight of iniquity, so to use the contrast as a springboard, vaulting us upward into the arena where Love-and-above exists. Thus, the artist, the creator, is free — albeit momentarily — to express the passion and the purposeful word, idea, image or turn of phrase.
Tag: psychology
There’s no such thing as ‘more abundance’. It’s either abundance or lack.
In truth, you never miss out on anything. Not ever. You may project onto someone or something a belief in a lack, want or need that would be fulfilled, but that’s not the truth.
44. I’m seeing it all the time now (no, not so much in the trees or the melancholy winter sky ;-). Numbers and patterns are fascinating. The way nature and the nuances of life reflect and bounce around us is musical, when you exist in the space of love.
It is true that you can know where you’re at in your journey — if you’re learning your lessons and growing beyond the limits of the old, and likely small story — by looking objectively at the people and situations that are occupying your life.