This day will pass, whether you dreamed a little dream, drew up a plan, took a baby step toward a goal, did what you loved to do, spent time with whom you wanted to, followed through on those tiny impulses, built something with your hands, started into a new book from the thrift store, sang your own beautiful song…
Tag: purpose
The duality and dichotomy of the everyday can keep us forever running… to get where exactly? You are here, now. Practice the two-step as a…
To get beyond is-ness Is this world’s business For what you can see Is temporary A single thread To unravel them all Dares you to…
We make time for a lot of things, usually unconsciously. Strange things, like struggle, worry, anxiety, stress and violence; for jobs, deadlines, tasks, superficial arguments, small-minded obligations; for another’s dream or ridiculous routine.
You may not always be aware of it, but all you put your genuine effort into is setting the stones on the path to desires and preference — or even your soul work.