Life in this realm is simple. But if you watch and ingest the persistent programming in the news, tv, film, social media, video games, and the massively distorted leanings of modern education, you’ll be so far off the rails you won’t know left from right, and certainly not right from wrong, true from false.
Tag: reality creation
You have thought that particular series of thoughts a million times, maybe more. Drop it. Let the river wash it away. Never give it another moment of your time, nor another erg of your life’s energy.
If we choose to rely on the outward, external influences to fulfil us, to fill that hole in our heart, mind, or spirit, we keep ourselves limited (and thus dependent) upon that which we cannot control — save our biased perception of it, but that’s another topic. However, when we step into the realization and embody the knowing that we are ultimately the source of both the creative impulse, and concurrently our fulfilment of said impulse (regardless of what the world shows us) we move in the direction of complete acceptance; we engender the true nature of surrender.
We’ve built our world inside a tiny box. We call it progress — this civilization of economies, technologies, treaties, and trade. We’ve been sold the idea that this box defines who we are, what we’re worth, and what we’re meant to do. But this box is not the whole world. It’s not even close.