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Tag: reality creation

The Rules of the Realm

We live in a realm where the worst of us can explore, experiment, and express their worst traits and character weaknesses — on themselves or, more often, on others. In fact, the only kind of “sin” that exists is that which occurs between humans. You may believe in and be concerned about concepts such as karma, soul contracts, and other ephemeral ways to attach yourself to others, but those who adopt and live by dark elements almost certainly do not.

Climate Change: The Ultimate Creative Outlet

As you may be aware, I am not a supporter of climate change alarmism, nor do I believe there is a climate emergency. In my mind, it is one grand hoax. These are not the end times for our world; we’re not anywhere near the “11th hour,” the ice isn’t melting, the oceans aren’t rising, and, no, not everything is going up in smoke (and as a reminder, arson is not wildfire). That said, I care deeply about this wonderful and remarkable place we currently inhabit, and I care deeply about my fellow humans, and I absolutely agree that we can do far better regarding our stewardship of this realm and the ways and means we go about its resource management.

A Dearth of the Real on Earth

This morning it’s raining, which makes me chuckle, as a few weeks ago my landlord was saying something along the lines of, “I wonder how bad this drought might get.” Which made me ask, “What drought?” He said, “They’ve been talking about how dry it might get this year.” To which I responded, frowning, “Sounds like they’ve been watching too much TV.”