I do hope that you get to swallow a few bitter pills regarding the things that you’ve felt certain about for so long, as some tenet—belief, opinion, dogma—that’s been believed and just held onto for centuries, or perhaps even millennia.
Tag: spirituality
Why would you want to live longer?
This life can be quite difficult. With all the frailties of the body, the mind, and the fragmentation and disconnection of spirit, it’s utterly overwhelming at times.
Don’t put off for tomorrow that which you’ll wish you’d done today. What’s present is past, and what’s to come is in the vast probabilities.
As we progress through our journey in a lifetime, we learn lessons, constantly. We have easy lessons, and hard lessons. The harder ones generally, unfortunately, are attached to strong emotional aspects, and those are the most difficult to let go.
No matter what you choose as a career, business, vocation or life’s work, you are always self-employed. You choose where and how to spend your hours and days; if you’re unhappy, unfulfilled, unproductive, or bored—or doing it just for the money—you’re choosing to squander your creative power, and thus your capacity to be of service.