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Tag: spirituality

Great Things

There’s such an immense pressure we put upon ourselves in our culture to “do great things” with our lives. I think we almost always miss the point entirely. It’s an contrast between materialism and what really matters.


Stop working from the perspective of lack.

There’s a well established undercurrent in the world today that’s based on the mechanics of control and fear — as is anything that fosters feelings of wanting, needing, and separation.

Hurdle Jumper

We become a match to the exact circumstances and events relevant to our conscious, unconscious, and subconscious processes. We may attempt to quantify and encapsulate what seems to be, yet we’re immediately ill-equipped to surmount that which has arisen.


My body is amazing. It takes only the essential, useful parts of everything offered (air, water, food, environment, energies, attitudes) and discards the rest, easily, effortlessly, and with flow.