A mass consensus disorder is an idea, concept, endemic aspect, or framework of a culture or society, a province, state, or country that is widely practiced and accepted. It is ingrained in everyone through enculturation and indoctrination, and is deeply embedded in an overarching narrative, influencing and affecting a population’s values and priorities on multiple levels at once. Any mass consensus can be manipulated and exploited by those seeking only profits, power, and control; thus, our adherence to it can cause us great harm, and so it is, in my opinion, defined as a disorder.
Those who oppose a society’s prevalent and pervasive concepts and embedded rules are usually ostracized or suffer and struggle unreasonably as a result of their decision to pursue a path that contradicts the prevailing zeitgeist.
These are some of the mass consensus disorders of our time:
- the importance of a good paying job; wage slavery
- paying taxes
- government
- economic growth; profit
- religion
- love as a commodity; manipulator; control mechanism
- money as real and valuable and necessary
- real estate
- banking; debt; interest rates
- corporations
- arts as secondary, or tertiary, to anything
- Earth, and her abundant resources, as a commodity
- Humanity, and its limitless spirit, as a commodity
- struggle, chaos, violence, war, weapons, conflict, and competition as normal
- love, unity, trust, passion, fulfillment, and joy as idyllic, unnatural, lofty, difficult, and rare
These, and many others, are essentially lies and fabrications that we believe in and perpetuate. We live fearfully and quietly desperate, terrified, because, as a result of a lifetime of mind control and programming, we are afraid to truly thrive. We do not want the responsibility. We are afraid of our own shadows. Our energies suffer, our relationships suffer, our planet suffers, and our (perceived, accepted) reality remains a petty, inane joke rather than exploding beautifully from within us.
It does not have to be like this. This is only one possibility. This is just one path among trillions. What if we let all of the lies go? We’d almost certainly lose our minds, which is probably not a bad place to start. We simply couldn’t accept it at first. However, as we begin the process and reclaim our sovereignty over some of the nonsense that still exists in our hearts and minds, the wave of awakening will accelerate. It will get easier. Our minds will be clear, and our hearts will guide us.
It is happening. Most of us simply don’t notice the numerous moving parts and structures that are constantly changing, reconfiguring, and realigning. History changes as we shift our perspectives. Truth and disclosure allow us to heal, integrate, grow, and revitalize.
You’re in the game. You are important. You’re a catalyst. You’re here for reasons only you can understand, experience, and investigate. Don’t let mass consensus disorders govern your reality. They’re just tools, as transient as anything else in this realm. You decide whether or not to accept the offer. Always.
Love your life.
“Elevate” (YouTube, Spotify, Bandcamp)