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Tag: surrender

Unpacking the Misery

At some point on the journey toward truth, there comes a tipping point. At this critical moment, you will ultimately discover that everything you’ve been seeking the answers to is moot. The exercise of seeking is simply a means to an uncomfortable, yet liberating end: everything is a story, and nothing is real.

Coordinated Effort

Don’t let fear dictate your decisions. Not one bit. Use even the slightest inkling of negativity as a reminder that you are drifting from what’s true, and adjust your course. Bless it, love it, accept it, and return to the stream.

The All that Remains

Let every judgment come forth to be exposed by the light of conscious awareness. By its release, deconstruction, clearing, and complete transmutation, all remnants, related roots and webs of unnatural energies, are summarily discharged, uncoupled, removed, and rendered inert.

Unseen Connections

Avoidance and resistance require effort. It takes conscious, focused energy to push against something — whereas acceptance, surrender and connection, is choosing to go with the flow; to go with the river; to go downstream; to go with what life is providing, offering and giving.