If you can really grasp the depth of the power of ideas, thoughts, learning, mind control, and conditioning, you will see how there is absolutely no need for any “virus” to exist for there to be a “pandemic”. No “contagion” is needed at all for many millions of people to become ill, or even to die.
Author: Trance
Artist. Writer. Truth seeker.
Who’s the enemy? In recent years (ca. 2001–2022), the enemy is anyone who challenges the narrative. What we’ve seen just this year is the lengths…
Those hired to devise the forthcoming CBDCs (the same chief collaborators and unpaid stewards of the revolutionary Bitcoin code) aren’t seemingly concerned with morality or…
Do official reports sway your opinion? Likely not. Not when the mass hysteria that erupted over the last two years continues to haunt so many people’s minds. What Pfizer has been forced to disclose is unsurprising to those of us who have been raising alarms for the past two years.
The influence of a medical cartel on the government, media, and Science™ can have a significant impact on public perception.