It’s fascinating to see how quickly the West has descended into manic hysteria over Russia, almost as if on cue. On whose cue? The CCP, naturally, among others. These are long-term, military-level psychological operations. Everything is cleverly orchestrated…
Author: Trance
Artist. Writer. Truth seeker.
There is no global climate emergency. It’s a well-known, widely accepted reality, unless you’re a popular pandering expert, an ingroup shill celebrity, or drinking a lot of panic kool-aid.
Your trepidation is palpable. With the legacy/mainstream media reporting only isolated, fear-instilling, divisive, polarizing, and fake or staged events, you’re not easily convinced that a massive, peaceful, powerful, revolutionary movement is taking place right under your masked nose.
Today’s society is governed by a generation of “leaders” who seek to cultivate hatred. It’s no coincidence that we have the most ridiculous, feckless morons in the highest offices of the land.
When there is no agreement about what is a valid source of fact, persuasion cannot bridge the divide. Besides, as the saying goes, you cannot…