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Author: Trance

Artist. Writer. Truth seeker.

The Turning Tide

We don’t need commercial airlines. We don’t need a federal government. We don’t need fiat currencies, and we don’t need borders. We’ve been handed down rampant and widespread systemic dysfunction. We can make something new, can’t we? What kind of world are you actually envisioning to live in and contribute to?

To Daze Forecast

By now, any reasonable, thinking adult can see that the UN, WHO, CDC, WEF, IMF, and all of their cronies, cannot be trusted whatsoever — this of course includes nearly all of the world’s governments, as they are today. It’s a shame, but the utterly failed experiments are woefully inept, corruptible, and hastening the fall of a civilization.

Stand for Truth

We’re alive during a pivotal, epochal time and space in this civilization’s history. We are setting the precedent for this a future generations — in all aspects and areas of life in this reality. Everything is shaking up, being tested, exposed and challenged, and necessarily so. Outright psychopathy and psychosis are on display in the highest offices of the land, on every screen, on the covers of every magazine. It’s there for you to see, if you’re ready.

Be Surprised

Be surprised by something every day. Not just for the sake of novelty, for simply seeking variety is a recipe for living superficially and being perpetually distracted, always needing another hit.

Be Offended

Be sexist. Be racist. Be offensive and uncouth. Be brash, politically incorrect and insensitive. Be messy and unrehearsed.

But don’t get stuck there. Be real.

Be in error. Be ignorant and misinformed. Be impolite and inconsiderate.

But don’t get stuck there. Be real.