When the tide is way out, and the sun is on its way down… the vast sandy beach manifests a dramatic, diffracted canvas.
It’s a time of great change — but isn’t it always?
Artist. Writer. Amplify the light.
Artist. Writer. Truth seeker.
When the tide is way out, and the sun is on its way down… the vast sandy beach manifests a dramatic, diffracted canvas.
It’s a time of great change — but isn’t it always?
Many have talked about how humanity is going through an apparent ascension, awakening, elevating of consciousness and other similar, speculative terms. I am certainly one of them, for which you’d find plenty of evidence in my past articles. But I believe now the idea requires some elemental grounding — and perhaps an alternative, matured perspective, given the events of recent history.
They’ve twisted us into knots, raveled our hearts and polarized our minds. These past several generations have suffered egregious, persistent crimes against our human nature. Everything is reversed, and most everything constructed is a lie.
There has never been a better time than now to forget everything you know about everything.