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Between Impulse and Action

Life is not a linear progression of missed opportunities or wasted moments, but a boundless flow of choices, possibilities, and perspectives where every moment, suspended between impulse and action, is perfect. Life thrives in the space between labels and judgments, inviting us to explore emotions, intuition, and imagination, challenging us to adapt, learn, and remember beyond boundaries created by our understanding.

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There are no truly missed marks, lost opportunities, or wasted moments. Instead, there are choices, limitless possibilities, preferences, and perspectives. Every moment we allow ourselves to dance in the space between impulse and (re)action, observation and inquiry, is utterly perfect.

But we don’t often inhabit that space, do we? What’s missing?

Life is. Life hungers and craves. Life is an experience, and it adores everything about you. But what is life?

Despite our best efforts, life is not linear in time and space. It thrives in the spaces between labels and judgments, which only serve to diffuse or neutralize it. Life flourishes effortlessly and indefinitely, whether you believe it is or isn’t meant for you.

Life teases you with knowledge and awareness, foresight and hindsight, intuition, intention, and imagination. It invites you to use emotion as a gauge — your persistence or resistance, arrogance or ignorance, certainty or openness, freedom — your alignment with or distance from your closest truths.

Within you, your innermost being is a churning flow of energy, like molten lava in flux and excitement, anticipating the next breath, lesson, thought, inkling, step — ever the responsive collaborator.

What is learning? It’s remembering, filtered through adaptation. The infinitesimal variations you encounter every dreaming, waking, and walking second of your life favor your preconceptions. Yet even carved stone is malleable — after all, a stone is simply vibration.

Life’s scope and scale are immeasurable, for boundaries exist only within the level of understanding that created them. The mind requires structure and some degree of control, so treat it as a co-pilot rather than the ship itself.

Solvitur ambulando