In order to be as predictable as a politician, you have to go through life with your head down, obeying and abiding by what others tell you to do, and to be a good little boy or girl. Unfortunately, this means that as an adult, you may have a lot of work to do because this kind of behavior is destructive, both to yourself and to those around you. You have no idea who you are, what you want, or why you’re even here. You may not even be willing to question your motivations or dig into the reasons for your blind obedience to external authorities. Not good enough.
There is no great mystery here. It is a design devised through generations of social engineering that is perpetuated throughout decades of indoctrination and mind control, handed down and reinforced by those who themselves didn’t or don’t bother to question the narrative or to look beyond the trending virtuous buzzwords or fabricated and misleading headlines.
Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders.
If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.
If you are happy, thriving, fulfilled, and feeling empowered in your everyday life, that’s excellent. Be grateful. Carry on. If, however, you feel like there’s always something missing, then read on. Maybe we’ll touch upon something real in this article and find a way to crack open your perceptions, perhaps forever altering your perspectives on this earthbound life.
Everything that Begins…
If you were fortunate, you were raised by two loving parents — usually a mother and a father, naturally, as this is the only way our species proliferates. Masculine and feminine, yin and yang. Today’s science and political arenas would likely argue otherwise, but their motivations are generally cruel, myopic, arrogant, and untested. In addition to that, suddenly ubiquitous, popular, and wildly divisive advocates and activists are jumping on the bandwagon, uttering fabricated verbiage and fictitious nonsense such as “cisgender” and “heteronormative,” proudly disparaging with emotionally stunted, purple-haired gusto the ways in which life simply works and has always worked. In a world where — due to well-funded transhumanist propaganda campaigns and agenda-laden media ownership — traditional values and a nuclear family structure are painted as weak, outdated, racist, patriarchal, misogynistic, and tyrannical, it is the height of irony that the behavior and sociopolitical effects of would-be revolutionaries turn out to be precisely what they purport to be fighting against, and far worse. They’ve transmogrified their entire foundational concept of reality into quicksand and wonder why they feel so utterly ungrounded, culturally dissociated, socially isolated, disproportionately entitled, and inescapably miserable — desperate for a pill, treatment, or synthetic, technological solution.
The erasure of people’s cultural identities is another piece of a broader process. Erasing rites and traditions means making a people empty and fragile, and the void of meaning and the void of identity are the perfect condition for any manipulation. A destruction of diversity for a homologation that will follow the dictates of the “moulders of men”.
The healthy human being requires innumerable elements and experiences to align in order to reach their potential in this short life, and science, in its current highly compartmentalized, patently absurd, and ineffective state, kowtowing to ideological devolution and utterly subservient to monied interests, is the last place anyone should look for wisdom and any hope of adhering to what Nature provides by default. Shortcuts and workarounds only cut short and inevitably spiral downward in unintended negative consequences, hindering and harming an individual in ways those who devised these methods will never have to answer for nor be able to remedy years down the road when the presently unimaginable problems come to the fore. Please educate yourself, and not by watching more movies and TV shows that are rife with predictive programming, mind control, and blatant disregard for the mental and emotional health and well-being of you and your family. Normalizing the violent, unnatural, abnormal, or immoral does us long-term harm that we are not readily or consciously aware of.
While your parents no doubt had their issues and made many mistakes, they did what was likely the best that they could do given what they had learned, borrowed, or been inculcated with throughout their formative years and into adulthood. Perhaps they were mature enough to have difficult and essential conversations about having children before engaging in becoming parents. Most parents do not, and their relationships inevitably fail, often quite badly, perpetuating life-altering trauma for their children.
On top of all that, throughout your formative years, as you were hopefully playing and exploring with reckless abandon, the world around you and your parents no doubt threw numerous psychologically and emotionally traumatizing events their way. They had “scares” and “attacks” and other disruptions — both on the conscious and subconscious level — that altered their makeup, philosophy, and psychology, which, in turn, altered their behavior and beliefs concerning you, their child. What they didn’t likely know is that they were perpetuating and handing down broken ideas, false narratives, fear-based programming, and misguided notions about the nature of reality. They wanted to protect you, certainly, and for you to have a better life than they did — or at least as good as they’d had if they lived well — and so they likely didn’t dare to color outside the lines established for them by the establishment, believing falsely that it was safer or more practical to do so.

Why You’ll Follow the Herd
Humans are animals, and by default, we want to be safe and to survive. We need love, friendship, companionship, protection, food, and shelter. In our early years, we were entirely dependent on our parents. If they have been compromised, as most parents have been, they are only partially able and available to afford and provide these essentials of thriving to their children. And they’re usually unaware of this truth until many years later. While it is true that struggle, pain, and hard work do help to mold one’s character, subtle and unconscious dependencies and attachments happen along the way, harming and hindering both parent and child.
Inevitably, through influences and attributions now largely out of our control, we learn to depend on external authorities for our safety, protection, knowledge, and survival. We defer to their decision-making, their expertise, their mandates, and their guidance. We are at once desperate to fit in, to belong, and quietly, chronically desperate to be our own individual selves, living in perpetual internal conflict. In a world that artificially demands that we go along to get along and that it’s better to be overly and impractically kind, overly sensitive, overly accepting, apologetic, and inclusive, nobody is permitted to stand out, to stand tall, or to excel. Honesty, integrity, and authenticity are abrogated for the sake of toxic and disingenuous political correctness.
And when artificial and fabricated threats are again thrust upon the population, we will tend to fall in line, to go along with childish, inane, arbitrary, and ridiculous rules and restrictions, and continue to suppress our better-knowing spirits, damaging and defeating ourselves — quite often to the point of complete psychological exasperation and emotional exhaustion where fewer and fewer options seem to exist and the will to carry on fades away into gray nothingness.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Perhaps your parents were awake and aware, and openly and outwardly rebellious with a cause. Or, you took it upon yourself to follow that inquisitive impulse, to observe, recognize, take ownership of, and break apart the destructive patterns, and to question the narratives being offered to you. Ultimately, we have only ourselves to blame, and we can be exceedingly proficient at self-hatred, self-sabotage, and self-deprecation. All of these psychological games are elements of social engineering and artificial conditioning, unwittingly handed down, down, and down again. These things do not exist in Nature, for in Nature, there are no lies, especially lies that are counter to our creative being, anti-human, anti-life, and favor anything related to your freedom of expression.
You will follow the herd, but you can learn to understand why, and to take back your power and innerstanding. It is not a life sentence, merely an offer — one option among billions.
Small changes can and will effect massive lifelong shifts when you begin to live in a conscious, deliberate manner. Blaming your parents is also an option, and a very popular, profitable one, but that part of the story is complete and that chapter is closed. You are now the author. What parts of the book are you choosing to keep carrying forward? Are you a victim or a victor? Are you reactive or creative?
Solvitur ambulando