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Tag: psychological warfare

A Society on the Precipice, and a Divine Anarchism

It seems to me that governments of modern Western nations have become a parody of their former selves. That being said, I don’t recall a time in my life where anyone spoke highly, fondly, nor respectfully of those enthroned at any level of public office. Or, it was so rare that it was retroactively drowned out. Regardless, our society hinges on a strange and entirely specious notion wherein we absolutely and without question need a centralized power in the form of government, much to our continued frustration, polarization, and sociocultural angst.

Conditions on Love

Conditions on love. The world is always in a state of chaos. The parasite class and their psychopathic minions continue to do their worst, knowing their version of the world is swiftly and absolutely coming to an end. They’ve ramped up their trusted, centuries-old, insanity-generation mind control machine to its highest level, and still their silly impish efforts fail to take hold. Certainly, there are many who fall into the traps. Lives are lost, avatars are snuffed out. Some still take the bait, biting down madly out of habit and practiced bewilderment.

Revolutions: Freedom of Speech

It’s August 2024. This is a watershed moment in Canadian history, and for Western nations in general. For example, consider Bill C-63. It is introduced, in part, under the guise of an amorphous, ambiguous concept such as “online harm,” but, in practice, it will result in increased censorship, social unrest, and further instills and legitimizes communist sociopolitics in the future. When a law is intentionally left unclear, ill-defined, and open to interpretation based on the politics of those involved, it’s a dangerous, slippery slope that will put the “Digital Safety Office,” their enforcers in the police services, and the unwitting judiciary in hot water.

A society will eventually destabilize and collapse as a result of this overly simplistic and yet predictable agenda in which anyone can be fined, arrested, tried, or imprisoned for simply speaking up and sharing their opinion, whether online or not. Heaven forbid you ever criticize or insult our era’s foolish, narcissistic, corrupt, captured, and cowardly politicians.