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Tag: self compassion

Why You’ll Follow the Herd

In order to be as predictable as a politician, you have to go through life with your head down, obeying and abiding by what others tell you to do, and to be a good little boy or girl. Unfortunately, this means that as an adult, you may have a lot of work to do because this kind of behavior is destructive, both to yourself and to those around you. You have no idea who you are, what you want, or why you’re even here. You may not even be willing to question your motivations or dig into the reasons for your blind obedience to external authorities. Not good enough.

We Should

So, what is truly broken about our perceptual and experiential lens? What element is missing from our formulaic ideas and reality perceptions? What factor in the Life equation propels us so easily and effectively toward misguided and maligned expectations, intentions, and imaginations?

The Dream

There’s the dream
That’s been shadowed
By the rain
By the constant weight of fear
Do the echoes break my stride

There’s the dream
That’s been covered
By the skin
By the weightless swell of tears
Can you hear the crying shame?