We often dismiss our efforts, particularly the small ones. We negate our positive impact on others’ lives because of how we see (or value) ourselves and frame our worldview; we color the canvas with our preconceptions, paradigmatic programming, and ideas and beliefs about how we presume others perceive us, our worth, or our contribution.
Tag: acceptance
Money is a difficult subject. It’s not real, but our entire world revolves around it. To protect it, the ultra-rich will fight or start a war. The average person will work between 20 and 110 hours per week to earn it. The homeless will beg for it. Of course, there are varying degrees in between. The concept exemplifies a fundament that underpins much of our strange reality: giving value, influence, and power to fleeting thoughts, feelings, and objects.
There’s a saying, that if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.
Many of us experience this, or a variation of it, often pretending to be okay with it, primarily in our relationships… the most debilitating of which is often with ourselves.
When we work to uncover our deepest, authentic truth, we inevitably go through a process of unraveling and undoing, unlearning and unburdening our spirits from the weight of conditioning — or the lies, limits, and soul-stifling ideas introduced through socialization.
Audio Version Every time you revisit a past chapter of your life, you have the opportunity to glean new wisdom relevant to the present. You…