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Tag: authenticity

Super, Human

We are sovereign, creator beings, here to heal and support the massive wave of change, that is shifting and realigning (collapsing) timelines and realities toward our natural, beneficent, wholistic expressions — in the highest forms, in the greatest version, of the truest vision we have ever held for humanity.

Finding a Pulse

It’s rare that we speak with conviction and power, save the plentiful moments when we’ve reached the end of our ropes, when something has triggered us; when we are primarily reactive and defensive, rather than in our truth, strength, and vulnerability.

Insert Clever Title

I rebooted ye olde blog three years ago, after deciding to wipe it clean and start fresh. The few hundred posts over the previous years seemed scattered and disoriented, much like I was, and still can be from time to time. I’m OK with that.