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Tag: emotional health

The Blue Pill

It has been an interesting year, thus far, this 2020. I have to admit to feelings of a misanthropic nature. Certainly melancholy. It seems many of my fellow humans have indeed lost their senses. 

What Really Is There to Overcome?

Since the advent of psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, pharmaceuticals, and grandiose illusions of purpose, meaning, and happiness, those who do not fit neatly into “normal” behavior have faced stigma and violent prejudice. We have also dehumanized large segments of society in favor of political, ideological, economic, or dogmatic ignorance and stupidity.

A History of Violence

Competitors. Enemies. It is curious, and telling, that we introduce these inherently violent thematic elements into virtually all areas of life — most notably, and most virulently within ourselves. Should we ever find ways to alleviate this persistent psychological, philosophical, or epistemological pressure, would we know what to do with ourselves, how to behave, how to function in society, or how to communicate?

Not Quite Enough

There are any number of ways we can feel inadequate. We can look at our career, bank account, body, car, home, friends, church, school, city, country; anything. Outward appearances afford us ample ammunition for self-destruction and spiritual shrinkage.