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Tag: emotional health

A True Path to Healing

We all understand the fundamentals: the positive and beneficial aspects, as well as the traumatic and unresolved aspects and elements of our actual lived and perceived (imagined) experiences, are located in our subconscious mind. It is also well understood that our subconscious governs, defines, limits, or expands the scope and capacity of our daily activities, including our inclinations, beliefs, reactions, decisions, and behaviors. Whether we help or hinder our progress in this life is primarily determined by unseen forces and aspects of ourselves with which we are not readily communicative. So, how can we “heal” and resolve these issues, if any?

The Many Faces of a Staged Play

All plays have a script, a cast, director, a stage, props, rehearsals, and ultimately, the show’s run. The ongoing plandemic of 2020 is part of a broadly orchestrated, long-term, well-funded play, covering many aspects of society as we know it. Many may still believe it to be a story about a virus — a novel, mutating contagion infecting, hospitalizing, and killing countless millions all over the world. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In Human Terms

Humanity, it seems, both intrinsically and as a collective, is forever under siege. The ongoing vaccination, sterilization, and dehumanization campaigns are quite evident across the modern world, as we’ve all been conditioned by the bell’s toll, by closed systems thinking, and by the toxic needles.

Real Men

I’d wager the title of this article is enough to trigger most of us. If so, it demonstrates just how bad things have become in this regard. We need to grow up.