This day will pass, whether you dreamed a little dream, drew up a plan, took a baby step toward a goal, did what you loved to do, spent time with whom you wanted to, followed through on those tiny impulses, built something with your hands, started into a new book from the thrift store, sang your own beautiful song…
Tag: emotional intelligence
I think it is exceedingly rare these days that we take the time to truly get to know how someone wants to be loved; how they prefer to be treated, acknowledged, left alone or kept company; how they would be better heard, understood, and validated; how they want to be touched and embraced, or how they’ll be open to it when they feel safe.
One thing you learn as you journey along the path is that whatever you’re looking for out of life is what you’re going to find.
Out from the dark
You liberate me
When you love someone, do you require them to behave in a way you prefer, or would you rather they were their authentic self, warts and all?