Think about how often we see these issues presented and portrayed as enemies, threats, or inescapable and inevitable events that will befall the majority of humans in TV shows, movies, and other modern media: Infertility and natural birthing adversities, obesity and chronic illness, cancer, autism, and more recently, “gender dysphoria.” There are many, many more, of course, but these are five of the more prevalent, trendy, and popular — and massively profitable — concerns in the current era. One side continues to rake in trillions in profits while the human factor continues to suffer, to worry, and to have shorter, less productive, and unfulfilling lives.
Tag: health
So, what is truly broken about our perceptual and experiential lens? What element is missing from our formulaic ideas and reality perceptions? What factor in the Life equation propels us so easily and effectively toward misguided and maligned expectations, intentions, and imaginations?
Jason identifies five pillars of strength: physical, intellectual, financial, emotional, and spiritual. These absolutely cover the fundamentals of constructing and maintaining a solid foundation for a fulfilling life. That being said, in my opinion, I would reverse the order.
Life in this realm is simple. But if you watch and ingest the persistent programming in the news, tv, film, social media, video games, and the massively distorted leanings of modern education, you’ll be so far off the rails you won’t know left from right, and certainly not right from wrong, true from false.
Your body knows how to detoxify, heal, and adapt. It’s doing it all the time — with every breath, with every bathroom break, every time you sweat, cry, cough, sneeze, or blow your nose. With every “cold” and every “flu,” and every time you take a shower and towel off, it works flawlessly. It works every time. It never takes a break.