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Tag: integrity

Stand for Truth

We’re alive during a pivotal, epochal time and space in this civilization’s history. We are setting the precedent for this a future generations — in all aspects and areas of life in this reality. Everything is shaking up, being tested, exposed and challenged, and necessarily so. Outright psychopathy and psychosis are on display in the highest offices of the land, on every screen, on the covers of every magazine. It’s there for you to see, if you’re ready.

Ingroup of One

I believe it is vital to try to understand opposing points of view on anything related to being of service to humanity, as well as to be flexible in terms of the ideals of certainty, knowing, meaning, and wisdom.

You (Still) Want More

Most of the world is at peace.

Most humans care about the wellbeing of other humans, and the planet.

Most of the planet is uninhabited.

There is more money than ever.

There is more awareness, mindfulness, collective consciousness, and elevated spiritual energy than ever.