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Tag: nature


The Earth, nature, provides all we need, whether it’s food, medicine, water, materials for shelter and for our arts, perfect sunlight and the stars. But in the modern world, we’ve learned about, adopted, adapted to and live by the endless, cyclical insanity of “not enough” — a distorted epistemic failing, supplanting the otherwise organic human inclinations toward communal betterment, spiritual discovery and genuine self-improvement. The two ideas do not complement each other, and so, we suffer.

The Persistent Glow

Father Sun, Mother Earth, how complete is the nature of life. We cannot have a balance without the polaric dance, we cannot know contrast without the two. So, we suffer by the choice to ignore the obvious and plain, to gather and to extrapolate the grander essence of the vast expressions underneath.

October Seasoning

The color of light angles into cooler shades, as the nip in the air gradually overtakes the warm lingering glow. Seasons transition as fluidly as day turns into night, and while we’re busy living, nature quietly affirms its continuity around every corner.