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Tag: paradigm shift

The Real Slice of Life

We’re at a critical time in history when the perspective of a narrow, limited scope can do more harm than good. Though, perhaps it’s always been that way, but today, we have the benefit of massive research and analysis, measurement, science, data and information at our disposal. The problem, is the system or philosophy employed, and the consciousness underpinning the methodologies therein.


If you’ve achieved massive success in the capitalism of the modern world, you’re probably ready to give away 95% of all future earnings, right?

A Greater Wealth

This world is oriented toward money. We see it as an ultimate means to an end, and many believe it as an end unto itself. It’s ridiculous; how can we pray to an ideal, or mythic, artificial construct that only really exists as an idea someone made up?

Rewriting the Rules

Today, we have mounting scientific evidence to back up claims and ideas that we can overcome most any health condition, and actively alter the ways in which our genes express themselves. We can, and do, choose how our mind and body represent our spirit and consciousness.