Being a motivator, instigator, spark, inspirer, agitator, uplifter, goader, and heart-connector is your purpose. Wayshowers aren’t bound by existing paradigms or career paths — that’s…
Tag: passion
When you pursue your creations and inspirations with unabashed passion and intense focus, you amplify your beneficence to the collective. When you are “out of…
An artist must choose to shun acceptable behavior, political correctness, and the comforts of the commonplace to truly exist in the spacetime of their genius. Playing it safe is like painting by numbers, stealing a riff, using pitch correction, obeying the clock, failing, failing again, and then giving up; it’s pandering to the normals and ignoring what the world desperately needs from us.
Music has always been a thread woven through the fabric of my life, pulling me back to moments both vivid and forgotten. The memories it stirs are as random as they are profound, often triggered by the simplest things.
The desires of your heart are not fleeting whims but whispers of truth, calling you toward deeper resonance — toward who you are and what you are here to become.