I was thinking the other day, while hiking around the smoky woods, how it’s a shame there are so many more fires these days, seemingly. Talking to my dad this morning, he reflected some of the same notions.
Tag: perception
Love, consciousness, plus the wave-icle, light. In our perceptions and observations, light can behave as both a particle, and a wave. It has to, for that’s what it takes for our current biology to make any use of it.
the abundant consciousness lives in a state of openness; every moment, regardless of where you are, whom you’re with, or what you are being and doing, offers a moment of magical, mystical, and unexpected wonder.
Beyond the artifacts and the superficialities, is the essence borne of infinite love.
If we can accept that our individuated experiences in life exist from and through a bubble within the greater shared reality, we can appreciate ideas such as the Law of Focus, or the Law of Attraction, and actively reset or realign our established perspectives and perceptions.